Holy Breath meditation – opening the mid-brain

This is a great technique to connect with your breath and lifeforce and take yourself into the mid-brain to connect with the Higher Sacred Self and receive guidance.

  • You can either sit upright in a chair or you can sit in a yoga position.
  • Close your eyes and make sure your spine is erect, and your feet are not crossed.
  • Take your forefinger on each hand and touch it to the base of the thumb
  • Place hands with palms up in the middle of the thigh
  • Bring your awareness to the two nostrils.
  • Begin to focus on the breath going in and out of the nostrils
  • Now focus attention only on the nostrils… ..be in the nostrils with your full awareness
  • Now, from the nostrils, continue breathing and allow the breath to rise up the nostrils and come together at the point between the eyebrows. Breathe in and out from here in your awareness.
  • Next, move your focus about ½ to 1 inch up and back until you hit the middle of the head….this is where the Pineal sits.
  • Breathe in and out of this spot.
  • See the whole mid-brain activated.
  • Continue doing this, holding your focus here for as long as you like.
  • Then relax and feel the connection with the Higher Sacred Self.