Connection with the Divine/God of Your Heart – Enliven the senses

This is a simple exercise to bring the God of your Heart or Universal Source into your Heart Chakra and, from there, fill your senses and allow that presence to expand throughout the rest of your body. You can do this one or many times a day.

  • Start by Connecting with the God of your Heart in whatever way feels right for you. You may try connecting with this presence above your head or in your heart … ..whatever feels most natural.
  • Feel your Divine/God of Your Heart/Higher Self-filling your heart Chakra until the Chakra is overflowing with light, warmth and love.
  • From here, take that presence and allow it to fill your eyes. Ask your Divine or Higher self to enliven your vision and be your eyes so that you might see with Compassion.
  • Take the presence and allow it to fill your ears…..ask your Divine to enliven your ears so that you might hear with Compassion.
  • Take the presence and allow it to fill your nostrils…..ask your Divine to enliven your breath and be filled with the sacred presence.
  • Take the presence and allow it to fill your mouth and tongue……ask your Divine to enliven your words and speak with Wisdom and Compassion.
  • Take the presence and allow it to fill your sense of touch……ask you Divine to enliven every cell, to saturate the most subtle levels of your existence down to the quantum level.
  • Finish by taking that presence and having it sit in your Heart Centre. Ask that all your senses be enlivened and connected to the Compassion in the Heart Centre.
  • Sit in that Heart Centre for as long as you like.