All Courses
Chakra Foundations Course
Four Zoom sessions of 2.5 – 3.0 hrs each
Learn about your inner world, your aura, and your Chakras!
The Chakra Foundations course is the perfect place to start or expand your energetic and spiritual studies. This course provides a solid base to understand the major elements of the energetic body, open and explore your extra sensory perception and experience, and heal your own energetic body.
The Course includes:
- An overview of the Human Energy Field, the Chakras, the layers of the Energetic body, and more
- Instruction on how the Energetic field interacts with the world around it and why we get overloaded
- In-class work to assess, balance, and heal your Chakras and energetic body as we move through the materials
- Exploring and developing your extra-sensory perception
- Providing you with an understanding to continue your energetic studies
- This class is beneficial both to those who have no knowledge of the energetic body as well as to those that have studied these topics before. We do significant clearing and re-alignment in this class.
- PDF Manual
Next run of the class: TBD
Contact me if you are interested in studying this course material in October or November 2023. 4 Fridays or 4 Sundays.
Sessions are recorded if you cannot make it to the interactive Zoom
Investment: $375 USD or $450 CAD
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
Akashic Records Course
Four Zoom sessions of 2.5 – 3.0 hrs each
Would you like to know more about your own Akashic Records?
Our personal Akashic Records can help us to understand the challenges in our lives and can help us explore lifetimes and gifts that are available for us to tune in to.
In this course, we will explore:
- Opening the access to our records and beginning to explore within
- Explore the records and their connection to health challenges, wealth challenges, relationship issues
- Explore the records to clear ancestral karmas that may be impacting current life experience
- Explore Gifts and Past Lifetimes
- Explore the next steps on your spiritual journey
Next run of the class: TBD
Sessions are recorded if you cannot make it to the interactive Zoom
Contact me if you are interested in studying this course.
Course Pre-requisite is the Chakra Foundations Course or similar experience
Investment: $375 USD or $450 CAD
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
**This class is also available for Private Study/Coaching and typically runs as 5 private coaching sessions @ $195 each for Advanced Students
Mystical Tree of Life Course
Four Zoom sessions of 2.5 – 3.0 hrs each
The Tree of Life is a mystical tool that provides us with a view into our own Soul, its purpose in this lifetime, and its composition over lifetimes.
It is a place from which we can explore our connection to all things. It is a sacred map that helps us to understand how the Divine emanates into the world of Form and also how “Man” can use the map to return to a state of Inner Divinity.
Learn about
- the 10 Sephira
- the 4 Worlds
- the Merkabah
- the Three Pillars
- the Lightning Bolt of Mezla and more……
We will be working with the Archangels of the Sephira and the planetary influences.
Next Course: TBD
Contact me if you are interested in studying this course.
Sessions are recorded if you cannot make it to the interactive Zoom
Course Pre-requisite: Chakra Foundations Course may be helpful but is not mandatory
Investment: $375 USD or $450 CAD
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
**This class is also available for Private Study/Coaching and typically runs as 5 private coaching sessions @ $195 each.
Pendulum Workshop - Enhance Your Pendulum Dowsing skills.
Two Zoom sessions of 1.5 - 2.0 hrs each
Learn to pendulum down and find a tool that will help open your intuitive skills, help you with practical applications, and will help strengthen your connection to your Higher Sacred Self.
This workshop includes the following:
- Learn how to find information using your pendulum
- Working with charts to receive information
- How to prepare yourself and care for your pendulum
- Practical applications for dowsing
- Dowsing applications for Health and Wellness
- Time for Q/A
Next class: TBD
Investment: $120 USD or $140 CAD
Participants must supply their own pendulum.
You may have better success with this course if you can already work with a pendulum at a basic level to get a yes or no response, but it is not necessary.
Contact Patricia Dennis at [email protected] to register.
**This class is also available for private study at private coaching rates. Contact Patricia to discuss your needs, and we will determine how many sessions to book.
Soul Connection Program
3 Sessions on Zoom approx. 1.5 hours for each session
This three-session program will help you improve your connection with your inner guidance.
Session 1: Exploring obstacles that may lie in the way of creating a stronger bond with your Higher Self and Inner guidance and working to clear those obstacles.
Session 2: Developing or Strengthening your connection with your Soul/Guides/Inner awareness and learning different ways to continue to foster this connection.
Session 3: Opening your gifts, your life purpose, and assisting you with your journey forward.
This program is best for 1 on 1 coaching but can also be made available to small groups if you have a few people interested in taking this program together.
Private coaching rates apply. Contact Patricia for small group pricing.
Contact Patricia at [email protected] to book your coaching sessions.
Karmic Clearing Program
3 Sessions on Zoom approx. 1.5 hours for each session
Whether your goals are to improve relationships, wealth creation, health, or other areas, this three-session program will help you clear a variety of energetic blocks that may be keeping you from reaching those goals.
Session 1: Exploring past life and ancestral impacts that may be keeping you from achieving your goals and working to clear those ready for transformation.
Session 2: Exploring Thought forms and programs that may be keeping you from achieving your goals, clearing those ready to shift, and downloading beneficial thought forms to support your journey forward.
Session 3: Working on remaining barriers to your desired goals and then downloading supporting thought forms and patterns to move forward.
This program is best for 1 on 1 coaching but can also be made available to small groups if you have a few people interested in taking this program together.
Private coaching rates apply. Contact Patricia for small group pricing.
Contact Patricia at [email protected] to book your coaching sessions.
Intuitive Healing Training
Learning a Foundation for Intuitive Insight and Intuitive Healing Work
This course is perfect for those wanting to explore their own inner world in a deeper manner, as well as for those wanting to pursue training as an energetic practitioner.
This is a great addition to any healing modality you may already have studied. This course includes ample self-assessment and healing because becoming a better practitioner means doing your own inner work first!!
This course is split into three parts, and participants can choose to take Part 1 alone, Part 1 and 2 alone, or all 3 parts together, depending on their learning goals.
If you would like to bring Parts 2 and 3 of this training to your community, please contact Patricia to discuss this option.
Contact Patricia at [email protected]
Part 1: Levels of the Energetic Body
Four Zoom sessions of 2.5 – 3.0 hrs each
Sessions are recorded if you cannot make it to the interactive Zoom
During Part 1 of this course, we cover the following:
- Learning about the different levels of the energetic body (physical, mental, emotional, akashic, etc)
- Learning the association of organs and endocrines to the Chakra system
- Learning about common types of dysfunction in the Chakra system and energetic body
- Learning different ways to bring balancing and healing to the levels of the Energetic Body
- Working to tune in to different types of extra-sensory perception
- learning to work with the guidance of the Soul and the other Masters
- a lot of in-class meditations and healing work
Next Course: TBD
Contact Patricia if you are interested in studying this course.
Pre-requisite: Chakra Foundations Course
Investment: $375 USD or $450 CAD
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
Part 2: Learning an initial healing sequence
This part of studies is typically covered in 2 days of in-person classroom time and requires at least 3 – 4 students that want to study at the same time so that you might work on one another.
Accommodations can be made to complete study at a distance. Contact Patricia about this option.
During Part 2 of this course, we cover the following:
- Learning to complete mini assessments on self and others
- learning to complete a full clearing and balancing sequence on another person
- learning to tune in to the Priority for Healing
- learning to tune in to inner guidance as it applies to another person
- learning to be a channel for healing and balancing
- In-class practice
- Reviewing some of the basics of becoming a practitioner
- Guidelines for ongoing practice after the class is over
Upon completion of Part 2 of this course, you will have enough information to be able to perform a basic assessment and balancing routine on a client/family member/friend.
Next Course: TBD
Contact Patricia if you are interested in studying this course.
Pre-requisite: Intuitive Healing Part 1
Investment: $475 US or $600 CDN
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
Part 3
This part of studies is typically covered in 2 days of in-person classroom time and requires at least 3 – 4 students that want to study at the same time so that they can work on one another for practice.
Accommodations can be made to complete study at a distance. Contact Patricia about this option.
During Part 3 of this course, we cover the following:
- Review the case studies completed by students and discuss any challenges and questions that have come up during practice
- Review of the Initial Healing Sequence to clarify questions
- Going deeper into connecting with Guides and Masters of the Inner Planes for deeper healing work
- Discussing accessing the Akashic records
- Discussing working on someone at a distance
- Learning 2 additional healing sequences and in-class practice
Next Course: TBD
Contact Patricia if you are interested in studying this course.
Pre-requisite: Intuitive Healing Part 2 and at least 6 completed case studies from Part 2
Investment: $475 US or $600 CDN
Register with Patricia at [email protected]
Note that pricing for the in-person portions of this class is subject to change based on where the course is taking place.
Teachings of the Golden Age Movement/Oneness
This program is best for 1 on 1 coaching but can also be made available to small groups if you have a few people interested to take this program together.
Private Coaching sessions are 1.5 hours on Zoom
The work of the Golden Age Movement takes the participant on an inner journey, where they begin to see the nature of the inner world and how this inner world reflects our outer relationships and life experiences. One can only begin to have peace in the outer world when one begins to make a journey to Oneness within the self.
These studies will cover some of the foundational Teachings of the Oneness/Golden Age Movement and will help the students gain awareness of their inner state. Each session will include intuitive guidance and healing.
Sessions may cover some or all of the following
- Understanding the Concept of the Mind
- Understanding the stages of Higher Consciousness
- Healing the Parental Relationship
- Healing the 4 Baskets of Conception
- Healing the Ancestral Lineage
- Learning the games of the “Self” and developing inner awareness
- Developing a stronger connection with the Higher Sacred Self
- Learning how to pray and manifest
- Other customized teachings based on your needs
Contact Patricia at [email protected] to set up your private Coaching sessions customized to your needs.
Certified Etheric Pracitioner Course Testimonial
Taking the Certified Etheric Practitioner course offered by Patricia Dennis has changed my life forever. It has opened new pathways to spiritual practice I never expected to achieve.
Through the structured meditations, practices, and knowledge I received, I am now able to unlock new paradigms and journey further into the universe that exists all around me.
I have new profound understandings of my own unique abilities and a pathway to unlocking them. Avenues of emotional, mental and spiritual awareness are continuously entering my life and evolving my Being beyond what I had ever expected.
I am very grateful that this course is available. I highly recommend it for anyone looking to advance their spiritual practices for personal growth, or as a career in assisting others with healing.
B.J., Edmonton