The Mystical Tree of Life, and why you may want to consider taking a deeper look into studying this mystical tool!

Many of us have probably heard of the Tree of Life, seen the various symbolic ways in which it is represented, heard that it has something to do with mystical studies and the Kabbalah, but we may not know a whole lot more about the Tree than that.
The Tree of Life has become an invaluable tool to me, both as an instructor and practitioner of spiritual, mystical and healing arts, but also a tool for my own ongoing spiritual growth. It truly is a Tree that never stops “bearing fruit”.

I first became acquainted with the Tree of Life as a student of mystical students at the Eastern offices of the School of Etheric Healing. I started with an introductory course to learn about the 10 Sephira of the Tree and other basic qualities and proceeded from there to study many aspects of the Tree including Archangels, Planets, Numerology, Tarot, Mystical pathworking, and Soul Purpose work.

How could one simple looking structure offer so much?

The Tree of Life at its most basic form, shows us how the Divine forces/Universal Forces/God, manifests out of the Void into the Universe from the most subtle and refined levels of existence to the most dense and physical of levels that we find in our manifest world. The 10 Sephira that make up the Tree represent the qualities of the Divine forces as they manifest into creation. The Tree provides us with a map as to how God become Man and how Man journeys over lifetimes to find a way back to union with God/The All. The Tree also shows us how important balance is between the physical world and the subtle realms, and that we are meant to live in a physical body, enjoying our earthly presence, but knowing we are so much more than just a physical existence. It shows us the need for balance between masculine and feminine qualities and the need for both to work together in harmony. It helps us see that we are much more than we imagined and are a composite of lifetimes of experience with connection to all that surrounds us.

The beautiful thing about the Tree is that it applies to all levels of creations from the micro level such as creations of atoms and cells and also to the Macro level of for creation of solar systems, galaxies and universes. When we begin to explore the Tree at its deeper levels and meanings we see that the cycle of life, maintenance and destruction are a cycle in all levels of creation binding us together in one fluid movement of cycle into the next. We see our connection to all things, micro and macro, and know that we all flow from one creative source and it is to that same source that we all seek to return. When you begin to study the Tree it is like opening a part of yourself that you never knew existed, and which can take you on an unending journey of self discovery.

If you’re ready for your next adventure in spiritual studies or if you’re ready to take a deeper look into your own inner world and what you are comprised of, this an excellent course for you! Those interested in Tarot will also find this course interesting as many elements of Tree map back to archetypal references in the Tarot.

No time is ever wasted exploring your own inner world, seeing where you have been and seeing the potentials of where you might go.

A painting of a tree with many different colors
A person holding their hands out in front of the chakras.

Develop your Intuitive Insight and learn to tune in to yourself or another for balancing and healing!

Have you ever thought that you might have intuitive abilities? We all have them to some degree, but for most of us, no one has shown us how to tune in to them, bring them to the forefront and develop them for our own benefit.
As we clear and balance our own energetic body, it is easier for us to tune in to our extra sensory perception. As we clear away layers of “energetic static” we are able to see, hear, feel, smell, and know what is going on beyond what the eye can see and the physical hands can touch.

As we learn to tune in to the energetic body, we can become aware of those things that may lay beneath physical, mental and emotional imbalances. Beneath every imbalance, illness or disease there is an energetic cause. The cause may come from one thing, but usually it comes from a combination factors, many of which exist at levels we are not consciously aware of.
Once we can learn to develop an awareness to tune in to the energetic body, we can then use this for our own self discovery, or use it to help another person understand why something may be manifesting in their physical world. Working at the energetic layers, we can receive guidance about the causes of a dysfunction and open ourselves to be a channel for balancing and healing where appropriate, for a person in need.

So how do we learn to do this?

There are many types of energetic work available to us in today’s world. The Intuitive Healing Course of studies is a foundational program that will help a student develop their intuitive awareness, whether their goal is for their own interest or whether they have a desire to work with others.
The Courses materials are designed to create a foundation for a student in energetic awareness and assessment. The student will spend time tuning into themselves and will take part in the balancing and clearing of their own energetic body. The student will then learn to tune in to another person in a variety of ways to perform energetic assessment and to open themselves as a facilitator of guidance, balancing and healing. The student will receive several energetic initiations or attunements that will help them to have greater awareness and connection with the inner world. More serious students can complete case studies to receive their certification as an Etheric Practitioner.

Many students attend this course for their own spiritual awareness and development or in order to have the tools to work on themselves and family energetically. Other students want to pursue intuitive and energetic assessments in order to work with others, or to blend into other work they may already be doing.

Many students come to this course not knowing they have intuitive abilities at all, and are surprised at how well they can tune in to themselves or another person when provided the tools, environment and guidance to be able to take this step. Whether you already perform some type of energetic work or if you have never done anything like this before, this course will take you on a journey into yourself where you may discover parts of yourself you never knew existed.

Journey into your Akashic Records…..gain Healing and Wisdom!

What do you think of when you hear the term Akashic Records? We think of past lives, we think of knowing who we were and where we have lived, we think of mystery and spirituality. The Akashic Records are all this and more.

We have all had those experiences where we have said…”I’ve been here before” or “I know that person” or some skill or activity seems be to completely natural to us even though we don’t remember ever having done it before. In these cases, it is highly likely that the place or person or skill sits in the Akash, and that you have “remembrance” of it.

The Records are a Sacred Storehouse of significant information about lifetimes we’ve lived, including the challenges or tests we have faced in each incarnation, the skills and wisdom that we acquired, the spiritual growth attained, our contracts, our vows, our Soul Purpose, a glimpse at the future and more.

Our Akashic records sit in multi-dimensional form within our Energetic Body. They do not exist in a linear form and therefore when we receive information from the Akashic Records, it comes more in the form of pieces, such as images, emotions and snippits of a story.

The information in the Akashic records can be best used when we are looking to solve an issue in our current lifetime. We can find the root cause of many physical, emotional and spiritual challenges, within the experiences of lifetimes past, including those of our ancestral lineage. We can also use the information in the Akash to “mine” the Records for skills and Wisdom that we once had so that we can put it to use in the present lifetime. We can also use the Records to peer into the future, because in multi-dimensional form, past and present do not exist separately.

Can anyone learn to read the records? It is my belief that with Pure Intent, we can all learn to tune in to our own inner world to learn about who we are as a Soul, what we have accomplished and what our Soul still needs to work on.

Can anyone learn to read another’s Records? As with any skillset, some people will be better at this then others based on the role they have come to play. What I have found is that the more we move along our own Spiritual Journey, raising our own consciousness, and working on our own inner world, the easier it gets to tune in to another person. Why is this so? The information in the Records is Sacred and is meant to be understood in the context of a Soul that evolves over lifetimes. Therefore, as our own consciousness and awareness rises, and the more that we cultivate unconditional love for self and others, then the more that the information of the Inner Worlds can be revealed to us in the form in which it was meant to be used.

Does this mean we shouldn’t read the records for fun? We would all like to know whether we’ve been famous or royal or wealthy or gifted. This is fine, but in the big scheme of things, it is of limited value to our growth. The big wins are found when we can heal a relationship, heal a physical issue, gain self love and self worth. This is the real reason to explore the Records.

A person is sitting in the center of a circle.

If you are interested in journeying into your own Akashic Records, check out the Akashic Records training course or private study.